relax with
Joanne Freedman
Joanne is an accomplished facilitator of therapeutic healing massage a journey in the making for the last 20 years; with a mastery in bodywork, Reiki and wellness. She has honed her skills in powerful listening, mind and body balancing, while releasing trauma in clients through cellular awareness. Joanne’s approach to her practice is multi dimensional. Applying techniques of traditional massage modalities with Shamanic practices, Energy work and Spiritual Grounding.
Joanne knew from a young age that creating was a passion, using her mind and hands she could conceive and actualize it. Graduating with an Industrial Design BS Degree and minor in Sculpture which gave way to her hands on approach to her intuitive healing practice. Her background in sales and networking has helped her relate, understand and listen to her clients in a deep way.
Finding her way to massage in 1996 she was well on her way to a career of empowerment. She received her National certification for therapeutic massage and bodywork (NCTMB) as well as , PA certified, while being a member of ABMP Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals. Working along side of Osteopaths, Chiropractors, and plastic surgeons, Shaman’s, and Reiki Masters creating an opportunity for Body Benefits. Her main focus is on empowering people through their inner-knowing so that can create balance in their lives. While giving relief from pain and create a quiet steadiness from their world of chaos.